IB ToK Essay Titles and Topics: May 2025
Here are links to ideas and suggestions relating to the the six May 2025 IB ToK Essay topics:
I briefly mention some points to consider for each topic below; however, the personalised service I offer is tailored to each
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If you require personal help choosing your May 2025 ToK essay topics,
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Title 1: Do historians and human scientists have an ethical obligation to follow the directive: "do not ignore contradictory evidence"? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.
Thoughts to consider with essay 1 include:
- Is it possible to believe two contradictory beliefs?
- How are contraditions normally resolved?
- What is the relation between contradictions and paradoxes?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you require tailored help with topic 1 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then I'd be
delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees:
Title 2: Is our most revered knowledge more fragile than we assume it to be?
Discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.
Thoughts to consider with essay 2 include:
- Does " revered" mean "important" in this context?
- Is fragile knowledge fragile because it is false or because
we can cease to believe it although it is true?
- Is self-evident knowledge fragile in any sense?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you're considering answering topic 2 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then I'd be
delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees:
Title 3: How can we reconcile the relentless drive to pursue knowledge with the finite resources we have available?
Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.
Thoughts to consider with essay 3 include:
- Does learning new things always consume finite resources?
- Aren't all resources finite to some extent?
- Is our drive to pursue knowledge relentless? If so, might that not be a good thing?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you'd like to discuss topic 3 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then I'd be
delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees:
Title 4: Do the ever-improving tools of an area of knowledge always result in improved knowledge?
Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
Thoughts to consider with essay 4 include:
- What is the difference between knowledge and technology?
- If something is known, in what sense can that knowledge be improved?
- Is the distinction between accuracy and precision relevant here?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you'd like help with topic 4 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then I'd be
delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees:
Title 5: To what extent do you agree with the claim "all models are wrong, but some are useful" (attributed to George Box)?
Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.
Thoughts to consider with essay 5 include:
- How can something be wrong if it fulfills its useful purpose?
- The difference between theoretical models and practical models.
- Is there a difference between accurate and precise models?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you're considering addressing topic 5 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then by all means email me and I'll send you details of my services and fees:
Title 6: Does acquiring knowledge destroy our sense of wonder? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
Thoughts to consider with essay 6 include:
- Does knowing how a rainbow is formed destroy our sense of its wonder?
- Isn't knowledge itself a wonderful thing?
- Mightn't knowing how something works, or happened, deepen our sense of wonder?
These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!
If you're writing on topic 6 of the May 2025 ToK essay titles, then I'd be happy to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: