I'm an experienced online Theory of Knowledge tutor, offering personal help to IB students with their ToK essays and exhibitions.
I also provide help to those IB ToK teachers who feel a little out of their depth!
I studied Mathematics and Philosophy at the University of Oxford,
and went on to write my doctorate in aspects of the theory of knowledge and logic.
Cambridge University Press are shortly to publish my book "The Epistemology of Logic".
I have been successfully helping IB students with their TOK essays and exhibitions for several years
and enjoy working with students of all abilities.
Click here for help with the Nov 2025 TOK essay titles.
At any time, you can access free podcasts, videos, and articles, relevant to your IB ToK essay or presentation,
from the site's social media pages.
The posts also provide links to discussions of WoKs, AoKs
and real-life examples; so it's worth following or liking them:
There are many legitimate reasons why you need help with your TOK essay. Your school or college Nov only recently
have adopted the IB, and be having teething problems. Some teachers are new to TOK
and are struggling a little themselves. Students fall ill and miss classes.
If you're not receiving the proper TOK essay tuition you need and deserve, then I'm here to help.
By giving personal attention to each of my students, I help them achieve their full potential in their ToK essays.
If you're a TOK teacher, who would like some help and advice, by all means email me too.
I offer expert help and advice at all stages:
Choosing your IB ToK essay title is perhaps the most important, yet most hurried, stage
of the entire essay writing process.
The temptation, in choosing your ToK essay title, is always to select the topic which you think
you know most about.
In fact, your are better advised to choose the essay title that integrates best with your
personal learning and knowledge experiences; and which affords rich connections to various areas
of knowledge.
As an experienced ToK tutor I help ToK students select the
best essay topic for them.
The key to planning your IB Theory of Knowledge essay is to make sure you understand the ToK examiners' assessment objectives.
Your ToK essay must be planned so as to harvest the various types of marks which the examiners are able to award.
I offer a personal ToK essay planning service that helps you integrate your own learning and knowledge experiences into your essay.
In a one-to-one online planning tutorial we
then identify the areas of knowledge, and knowledge issues, most relevant to the chosen essay.
At the end of the tutorial you have a detailed, personalised essay plan.
Research for your ToK essay needs to be guided, primarily, by a thorough understanding of the areas
of knowledge relevant to your essay.
Another important consideration concerns the justification of central beliefs; in particular, your own
beliefs in the relevant knowledge areas.
I offer two main kinds of help to students researching their ToK essays. I provide tuition in the
fundamentals of the theory of knowledge, relevant to your chosen essay title.
I also publish, via the website's social media, links to free ToK podcasts, articles and videos. If you
follow one or more of these
Google+ and
YouTube pages you'll be kept updated with relevant research material for your essay.
(Buttons to these pages are always available in the left-hand column of the website).
As with any piece of academic writing that will be assessed, you should write
your ToK essay with the examiners' assessment objectives fully in mind.
At the very least, this will mean faithfully following the essay plan that you have
written; for the plan, if correctly constructed, will outline how you intend to meet each
ToK essay assessment objective.
Write each paragraph so that it contributes to achieving the essay's plan; and write each sentence so
that it contributes to the aim of the paragraph. The overall effect should be that of a sustained,
logical argument.
One tip is to leave the introduction until last; for its only when you've written
the essay that you'll be in a position to write a meaningful introduction.
As an experienced examiner for universities and examination boards, including the International Baccalaureate,
I'm very familiar with the avoidable mistakes that students make in their writing.
Once you have written a good draft you will likely want your ToK essay reviewed and marked, before finally submitting it.
The aim of reviewing your ToK essay is not to deprive you of the satisfaction of writing your own excellent essay,
but to indicate where you can make further improvements.
I provide three kinds of formative marking and assessment feedback on IB ToK essays:
This feedback will indicate your essay's current standard, pinpoint its relative strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas for possible improvements.
My ToK essay marking and assessment of course includes comments on content, style and argument structure; but also spelling, punctuation and grammar.
As an experienced examiner for various examination boards, including the IB,
I provide expert reviewing and marking of draft ToK essays.
As an experienced TOK tutor, I offer advice to help you plan and write an excellent TOK exhibition.
I work with you first to plan your exhibition: selecting the IA, three objects and knowledge theme
that most relate to your personal perspective.
We then plan the exhibition commentary including
ideas for object images. Every decision is guided by the
IB TOK Exhibition Assessment Objectives, to ensure your exhibition meets the approved criteria.
If you're already at an advanced stage then I can review your 950 word exhibition commentary,
providing detailed contextual and summary comments and a mark out of 10 against the
exhibition assessment criteria.
Below is a selection of posts from the site's social media pages, mainly concerning links
to TOK podcasts, articles and videos that may help with your essay.
If you know of any TOK essay links that you can recommend, then I'll post them here too.
You can receive these posts directly by subscribing to the site's various social media pages: