The November 2025 ToK essay titles will not be released until March of 2025.
If you bookmark this page, or email me to be put on an alert list, you'll discover the November 2025 titles when
they become available.
Meanwhile, here is a link to a page with the
May 2025 titles.
You should be extremely cautious
in simply repeating phrases and words from ToK websites.
In particular, using downloaded ToK essay templates
carries considerable risks. First, you don't know with whom you are dealing.
Secondly, your essay will share the same
structure as many others and will likely be considered as plagiarised. As an experienced philosophy and ToK examiner I know
how easy it is to identify essays with a common source.
At any time, you can access free podcasts, videos, and articles, relevant to your IB ToK essay or presentation,
from the site's social media pages.
The posts also provide links to discussions of WoKs, AoKs
and real-life examples; so it's worth following or liking them: