IB ToK Essay Titles and Topics: November 2021

Here are links to ideas and suggestions relating to the the six November 2021 IB ToK Essay topics:

I briefly mention some points to consider for each topic below; however, the personalised service I offer is tailored to each student.

You should be very wary of simply repeating phrases and words from ToK websites.

In particular, basing your essays on downloaded templates carries considerable risks. First, you don't know with whom you are dealing.

Secondly, your essay will share the same structure as many others and will likely be considered as plagiarised. As an experienced philosophy and ToK examiner I know how easy it is to identify essays with a common source.

At any time, you can access free podcasts, videos, and articles, relevant to your IB ToK essay or presentation, from the site's social media pages.

The posts also provide links to discussions of WoKs, AoKs and real-life examples; so it's worth following or liking them:

If you require personal help choosing your November 2021 ToK essay topics, I'd be delighted to receive your email; I'll send details of my services and fees: November 2021 IB ToK Essay Topics Enquiry

Title 1: Why is it so difficult to identify a clear line between accepted and disputed knowledge within a discipline? Answer with reference to two disciplines, each taken from a different area of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 1 include:

  • the role of justification in making knowledge claims
  • the difference between rational and non-rational dispute of knowledge claims
  • the pragmatic theory of knowledge
If you require tailored help with topic 1 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then I'd be delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 1 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry

Title 2: "Knowledge gained through direct experience is powerful but problematic." To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Thoughts to consider with essay 2 include:

  • the difference between sensing and perceiving something
  • the role of concepts in forming our experiences
  • the difference between knowledge and belief
If you're considering answering topic 2 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then I'd be delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 2 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry

Title 3: "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." (Arthur Conan Doyle). Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 3 include:

  • the idea of facts as truth-makers
  • the difference between appearance and reality
  • the difference between trivial and non-trivial facts
If you'd like to discuss topic 3 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then I'd be delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 3 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry

Title 4: "Areas of knowledge always rely on a systematic process of trial and error to aid the production of knowledge." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 4 include:

  • the difference between a priori and a posteriori knowledge
  • the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning
  • scientific abduction as inference to the best explanation
If you'd like help with topic 4 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then I'd be delighted to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 4 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry

Title 5: "If all knowledge is provisional, when can we have confidence in what we claim to know?" Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 5 include:

  • the difference between knowing and claiming to know
  • the idea of degrees of confidence and its link to probability
  • the pragmatic theory of knowledge
If you're considering addressing topic 5 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then by all means email me and I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 5 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry

Title 6: "We are rarely completely certain, but we are frequently certain enough." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 6 include:

  • certainty and self-evident truths
  • the difference between practical and theoretical knowledge
  • the pragmatic theory of knowledge
If you're writing on topic 6 of the November 2021 ToK essay titles, then I'd be happy to receive your email; I'll send you details of my services and fees: Topic 6 ToK Essay November 2021 Enquiry
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